“Unspoken showcases Tin Chi’s talent as a musical storyteller. Her compositions are full of emotional depth, beautiful lyricism, multi-layered textures, and rhythmical complexity. You can hear a clear vision with a personal touch, fearless of any stylistic borders. The support of an outstanding ensemble helps her bring this music to life."
- Franz Von Chossy, Pianist/Composer
“Truly great melodies in beautifully composed tracks. We can see how an audience will log in to this band's energy and enjoy the concert very much. The original compositions are one of the best selling points for this band. In the execution of the tracks, we hear the respect for the song in the playing. Another band for our bucket list of bands we would like to see perform.” - Karel Van Eerd Music Award selection committee 2022
“Macau-born pianist-composer Tin Chi Siu (known mononymously as Chi) is a rare talent whose training in both classical and jazz as well as exposures to both the East and the West have given her music a unique sound palette that can be characterized as eclectically cosmopolitan. Her musical sonority is tender and atmospheric, but her statement is bold – that she will not be confined by any conventional genre typecasting. While her stylistic form and approach are evidently jazz-oriented, the undertone and inkling of neoclassical and oriental folk music are prevalent. Supported by a solid rhythm section and perceptive saxophone playing, Unspoken is a much gratifying showcase of Chi as an up-and-coming bandleader, composer, and pianist in contemporary 21st-century music. I hope you also feel the “Chi” from the Chi Quartet like I do!” - Roger Chung, singer/producer/Hong Kong public health scholar 2/2022
Album Reviews
PROGJAZZ (Nethelands)
“With Siu Tin Chi it is in the subtle and dynamic interplay. Spherical, cinematic, without theatrical bombardment.” Storm Bakker
MELODIVA (Germany)
“Her nine pieces are poetic, touching and emotionally deep” Man Stelzer
JAZZFLITS (Netherlands)
“Not only her piano playing, but also her compositions bear witness to great musical insight and creativity.” Sjoerd van Aelst
Concert reviews
“Last season this was my best booking ever at Jazz café Dizzy: international quality and a golden piano touch.” - Hanyo van Oosterom, programmer of several famous jazz venues in Rotterdam. 11/2019
"Probably the best show we’ve ever had at the lovely Rui Cunha Foundation gallery, with full house as the perfect closing of the 6th-year-partnership.”- Mars Siu Hong Lee, Chairman of Macau Jazz Promotion Association 11/2019
"The Chi Quartet executed these pieces with outstanding musicality and technical prowess.” UIC reporters: Samuel Burgess (MPRO), Robert Runnels (DCC) 11/2019
「從Chi的演奏中,我發現了滿有女性獨特味道的新大陸!她的柔情與幼細,與她不太aggreesive而偏慢的approach令我感動... 其實很少主流男性音樂人會這樣彈的。」香港著名音樂人- 鍾一諾 11/2019
The CHI Quartet touches your soul with tenderness through dreamy classical melodies and modern jazz grooves: free and pure like a child.
CHI Quartet is an international contemporary quartet based in Rotterdam. Formed by Macau/Hong Kong pianist and composer Tin-Chi Siu, South African bassist Ildo Nandja, Dutch Saxophone player Loek van den Berg, and Bulgarian drummer Martin Hafizi.
Given her multicultural background, Chi's compositions encapsulate her diverse musical influences: heart-melting Classical melodies coloured by intricate jazz harmonies, Indian and European folk rhythm elements intertwined with skillful Jazz improvisation.
Macau, the Monte Carlo of the Orient, is a place renowned for its extravagance. When one goes beyond a glamorous outfit and dives into the local community, one will soon be greeted by many kind-hearted people who are friendly, welcoming, and sincere. These are the genuine qualities of the Macanese people and precisely these qualities are the trademark of the CHI Quartet.
Focusing on Europe and Asia, the CHI quartet has been actively performing in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Before the onset of the pandemic, they toured Macau, Hong Kong, and mainland China.
In 2022 they released their first album “Unspoken” with Zennez records which features 9 original compositions and 9 unique personal stories behind them.
Following the release, the album received widespread critical acclaim from international music magazines such as Jazzism (NL), Melodiva (DE), Nice Premium (FR), and In Love With Jazz (HK).
The CHI quartet has been actively performing in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. They are invited to give concerts at jazz festivals such as Jazz a Juan (summer session) in France, and Amersfoort World Jazz Festival in the Netherlands. In 2019 and 2023 they toured Macau, Hong Kong and the mainland of China. In 2023, Chi was presented as Endorsed Exceptional Talent at The Amersfoort World Jazz Festival.
“When I was a child, I had a dream that often came to my mind - I kept running aimlessly in a desert, so fast that I finally flew up to the sky, feeling so free up there!”
- Tin-Chi Siu
CHI Quartet raakt de ziel met tederheid, dromerige klassieke melodieën en moderne jazz grooves
CHI Quartet is een internationaal en eigentijds jazzkwartet uit Rotterdam, gevormd door pianiste en componiste Tin-Chi Siu (Macau/Hong Kong), bassist Ildo Nandja (Zuid-Afrika), saxofonist Loek van den Berg (Nederland)en drummer Martin Hafizi (Bulgarije).
Gegeven haar multiculturele muzikale achtergrond, omvatten Chi's composities diverse invloeden: hartverwarmende klassieke melodieën, ingekleurd met complexe jazz-harmonieën, Indiase en Europese ritmes en jazz-improvisatie.
Macau staat ook wel bekend als ‘het Monte Carlo van de Oriënt’, een plek met veel extravagantie. Maar wie verder kijkt dan haar glamoureuze voorkomen treft in de lokale gemeenschap goedhartige mensen die vriendelijk, verwelkomend en oprecht zijn. Dit zijn de authentieke eigenschappen van de Macanese bevolking en vormen ook de aard van CHI Quartet.
CHI Quartet beweegt tussen Europa en Azië en heeft opgetreden in Nederland, België, en Frankrijk. Voor het uitbreken van de pandemie traden ze op in Macau, Hong Kong en het vasteland van China.
In 2022 kwam hun eerste album "Unspoken" uit bij Zennez Records, met daarop 9 originele composities en 9 unieke verhalen erachter.
Na de release kreeg het album wijdverspreid lovende kritiek van internationale muziekmagazines zoals Jazzism (NL), Melodiva (DE), Nice Premium (FR) and In Love With Jazz (HK).
"Toen ik nog een kind was, had ik een droom die vaak tot me kwam - ik bleef maar rennen in een woestijn, zo snel dat ik uiteindelijk opsteeg in de lucht, met zo'n onwijs gevoel van vrijheid!"
- Tin-Chi Siu
充滿國際色彩的 CHI 爵士樂四重奏由鋼琴家及作曲家邵天慈(香港/澳門)於鹿特丹組成,樂隊成員包括薩克管手Loek van den Berg(荷蘭)、鼓手Martin Hafizi (保加利亞)及低音大提琴手 Ildo Nandja(南非)。樂隊的演奏風格充滿着振奮人心的現代爵士樂節奏,同時亦散發着細緻情感及優美旋律,感覺猶如置身於大城市中欣賞美麗的晚霞。
邵天慈於紐約曼克頓音樂學院取得古典鋼琴演奏碩士學位,在學期間對電影配樂及爵士樂感到濃厚興趣。畢業後回港澳工作,但她對爵士樂的熱愛最後帶領她到了荷蘭。邵氏獲澳門文化局演藝發展廳獎學金資助到荷蘭鹿特丹音樂學院進修爵士鋼琴及作曲。在學其間組成 CHI QUARTET 爵士樂四重奏於荷蘭,比利時,法國及鄰近歐洲國家多個表演場地及音樂節演出,並獲得澳門爵士樂協會邀請將於2019年到澳門、珠海及香港等地作交流演出。2022年與荷蘭唱片公司ZenneZ Records合作推出首張原創爵士樂專輯"UNSPOKEN"。
邵天慈的成長背景、在不同國家生活的體會以及穩固的古典音樂基礎都是她原創作品的靈感來源。 CHI 爵士樂四重奏期待和大家分享一個超越風格定義及充滿幻想的音樂旅程。